35097 viewsMolina November 2009. Looking south at switch with replacement ties - power poles on their way - not long now until service resumes?
5131 viewsNovember 2009: Molina looking north - debris cleared, replacement ties & power poles not too far away.
San_Francisco_Terminal_East_End5432 viewsThis is a view of the terminal facilities in San Francisco, looking West into the terminal. The SN arrived on Track 6, which was on the South side of the terminal. The train is preparing to depart out the West end of the terminal and back out onto the B
SNRR404oaklandyard4774 viewsSN 404 at the Oakland Key(?)Yard. Courtesy of W.T. Larkins
sn10089694 viewsSN #1008 run #29 westbound entering subway on way to KS pier before bridge. Date unknown. J.G. Graham Collection
SN_Key_System_Underpass_under_SP_Oakland8813 viewsThis is a view of the Key System-SN underpass in Emeryville (Oakland) under the UP (SP) mainline. This view is looking West towards the Bay Bridge and the former Key System yard.
sn4406084 viewsSN motor #440 used in SN OT transfer westbound at San Pablo Ave. Date unknown. J.G. Graham Collection
41stsanpablo4378 viewsSN locomotive at 41st and San Pablo next to the still standing former Bank of America building. J.G.Graham Collection Courtesy of the Oakland History Room
41stsanpablo23810 viewsSN locomotive at 41st and San Pablo next to the still standing former Bank of America building. J.G.Graham Collection Courtesy of the Oakland History Room
snunk15107 viewsLocation unknown. Date unknown. J.G. Graham Collection
snunk24993 viewsLikely to be 40th and Shafter. Not positive. J.G. Graham Collection
pacrailnews3_4_72b4117 viewsSN #442 at 40th and Shafter shops. Pacific Rail News March 4th 1972 from the collection at the Moraga History Center
SN6444310 viewsSN motor 644. This may be in Oakland. Courtesy of John Stashik
40thshafter3762 viewsSN 40th and Shafter yards. Oakland, CA. Date unknown. J.G. Graham Collection
SNyard3946 viewsNear 40th & Shafter in Oakland. The houses on the left are on the north side of 41st St. east of Shafter. That's Shafter in the foreground. Courtesy of John Stashik
nn_805413 viewsOakland 40th and Shafter looking up Shafter Ave. 1948. Photo courtesy of Roger K. Heller
41st_and_Shafter4763 views41st and Shafter today
40th_and_Shafter3478 views40th and Shafter today
40th_Shafter_Streets_Location_of_Yard_Looking_South20309 viewsThis is how 40th & Shafter looks today. The yard was on the left where the fence is, the tower was where the burned out building is on the right.
SNRR660at40thShafter2903 viewsSN660 at the 40th and Shafter Yard. These buildings were old and weathered in 1946. Courtesy of W.T. Larkins
sn6706153 viewsSN loco #670 ex TS favorite of motorman George Hademan taken at 40th and Shafter in Oakland. Date unknown. J.G. Graham Collection
sn40bleak2869 viewsKind of a bleak photo at 40th and Shafter near the "end" of SN service. Approximately 1955.
Demolition of 40th & Shafter Yards3115 viewsSacramento Northern's 40th & Shafter yard in Oakland, Califr being torn down, 1957. View faces 40th & Opal Streets. John Harder photo. Thanks to Key Route Ken for sending me this great shot
pacrailnews3_4_72c3662 viewsSN 604 heading west down Shafter Ave. Pacific Rail News March 4th 1972 from the collection at the Moraga History Center
Shafter_Street_40th_Street_Looking_Northeast3774 viewsThis is a view up Shafter Street, from 40th. The track ran along the left side of the street.
SNRR440streetcrossing4004 viewsSN 440 crossing 40th and Shafter. Courtesy of W.T. Larkins
SNRRshafterncollege3796 viewsShafter and College Avenues 1946 Courtesy of W.T. Larkins
pacrailnews3_4_72f2963 viewsRebuilt 605, originally OA&E's 105 comes down the middle of Shafter Ave east of College Ave. Pacific Rail News March 4th 1972 from the collection at the Moraga History Center
SNRRcaboose16112833 viewsCaboose 1611 and train just after crossing at Rockridge headed west. 1946-47 Courtesy of W.T. Larkins
nn_934285 viewsBroadway and Shafter at Anthony Wayne Chabot Grammer School. 1948 Photo courtesy of Roger K. Heller
rockspur3764 viewsSN view looking east into Rockridge in Berkeley Hills. SN ran many picnic trains into this siding as there was a creek and picnic facilities. Date unknown. J.G. Graham Collection
SNRRtrainRocksign9894 viewsSN 653 pulling cars at the Rockridge crossing. The sign is to the left of the train. 661 is waiting on a spur track. 1946-47 Courtesy of W.T. Larkins
Rockridge5501 viewsA Westbound interurban approaches the Rockridge grade crossing.
RRcaratChabot4552 viewsJune 1941 photo of the GSTHS car at Chabot. Courtesy of W.T. Larkins